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​Sunday services commence at 10.30.
During August we hold our version of Cafe Church - plenty of T&C, activities, table talk, songs, prayers, short message.
So far this year, we have had to bring out more tables and chairs each Sunday.
Who knows it may become more of a regular feature in our church life. Watch this space...
During the last Sunday service of each month, we share Communion with one another.
Communion is sacramental - an outward sign of an invisible grace, a sacred symbol of God's life giving love.
We become what we share, and what we share represents what we are - a blessed a, broken, thankful and shared people.
We would love to share with you at this service.
As you may expect, we also have prayers, readings, news from abroad, sing hymn and songs, and we are always open to the Spirit of Jesus to be present among us.
We will continue to build up an altar of thanksgiving. In ancient times, some of the Patriarchs (the posh name for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc), after experiencing something of the goodness of God, built an altar. In time, as they retraced their steps, they would return to the altar and be reminded about the incident that caused it to be built in the first place.
We hope to make space in each service for folk to add stones to an "altar" at the front of the church as a witness to the good things God has done in our lives over the course of the past week, or answers to prays or just good things that have happened in our families or communities.
“If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”
An essential part of our Sunday service, is meeting together in the Hall after the first part of the service, and enjoy each others company, seek advice from one another, listen to each others' stories, develop friendships, meet with people who are on the road of discipleship - just like you.
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